Monday, August 11, 2008


First off, hello my name is Peter and I am a blogging virgin.  A little about myself so that the two people (who both know me) who read this blog, know where I am coming from; I am a 19 year old college student, I go to school in Berkeley but am a Long Beach native. I have never had a real job, unless you count officiating intramural soccer games as being a real job. I have an opinion on everything, however I don't know much about anything. I intend on going to law school when and if I graduate because in my life, if I do not make a lot of money I will consider myself somewhat of a failure.  I too am a millennial  and also have severe entitlement issues.  I am currently watching an olympics equestrian horse jumping event on Oxygen for the sheer purpose of hoping to see a nasty fall... I wonder if that makes me a bad person.  I know the olympics are supposed to be a nobel event that unite the world, but to be honest I have never felt like more of a nationalist.  Last night I watched what may have bee one of the coolest sporting events in my life time (ooo a horse just ate shit!.... he's ok I think. the rider is ok too) anyways, the mens swimming 400 relay.  The French team when asked a question about their American competition replied with, "The Americans? We are going to smash them." As if we need any more reason to hate the French.  We of course won in a an amazingly close fingertip finish by i believe 8/100 of a second.  GO USA, I hope France loses every single event for the rest of the games.  frogs. OK I'm rambling. This is fun. I'll try to blog oftenish. 

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