Monday, June 23, 2008

Team Cheerios Presents: Olympic-Watch 2008

I think I speak for the entire DMMLH team when I say the Olympics are the best thing since microwavable taquitos. We will watch almost anything to do with them. Our favorite BY FAR though, is women's gymnastics.

I think it stems from our jealously that our parents weren't over-zealous Romanian ex-gymnasts with a score to settle. Thus, sadly, our childhoods did not include nearly enough growth-stunting workouts with Béla Károlyi (clearly I cut and pasted that). Now we are about 19 years to late to start training so we live vicariously through Shawn Johnson and my new crush Alicia Sacramone.


Annnyways we spent about 6 hours watching the trials this weekend and I'm ready for more. I want to live and breathe the Olympics this year. I want to wake up in my Team USA nightshirt, eat my Team Cheerios (if they don't sell them again this year I will buy an old box on ebay and take my chances I swear) and watch Germans dominating in Field Handball all day. I'm going to try and not let work stop me from living my dream. You should too.

Alicia says "I have a perfectly normal neck size, thank you."

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